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you're beautiful take to the streets and boasts style

dilluns, 31 de maig del 2010

2010 Hair Cuts and Styles for Men

Continuing on from last year's men's hair trends, the men's fringe remains a major feature of men's hair trends in 2010. But, naturally, this is a hair trend that has evolved. While the men's fringe in 2009 was all about close-to-eyebrow length, in 2010 we have more options. How To Cut The Fringe
Thankfully, the men's fringe trend in 2010 comes in a variety of lengths, so you're going to be able to play with the look to suit your face shape. While you'll be looking to keep shorter back and sides (British grade 4-5), the way of truly making it your own is to play with the length of the fringe itself.

The classic cut.

Not forget that we always have the
classic hairstyle with atarraya next.
Coming 40 years.

Though some will argue that the side you part your hair on reveals great details about your personality (it doesn't, some people just have too much time on their hands) the truth is that making the part look sexy really comes down to cohesion between your hair and facial structure.

Here, if you want change your look, in this video you take some ideas.

2 comentaris:

  1. Hi Olga!!! I really like your blog , the hair cuts ...and the boys! jaja
    Your blog is very cool and interesant!

  2. Really interesting blog:) Take a look at mine.
